Resep Udang Kelapa Maknyos

 Jika Anda menyukai udang kelapa, berikut adalah tiga resep udang kelapa yang berbeda, tetapi sangat enak.

Udang bir kelapa goreng dan salsa nanas

2 telur

Tepung kekuatan sedang 1-3 / 4 cangkir

3/4 cangkir bir

1 sendok makan baking powder

2 pon udang sedang, kupas dan telanjangi

Minyak kelapa

3 cangkir kelapa parut

Campuran bumbu:

1 sendok makan cabai rawit

2-1 / 4 sendok teh garam

1-1 / 2 sendok teh paprika manis

Lada hitam 1-1 / 2 sendok teh

1-1 / 4 sendok teh..

kata kunci:

Kelapa, udang, resep

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Jika Anda menyukai udang kelapa, berikut adalah tiga resep udang kelapa yang berbeda, tetapi sangat enak.

Udang bir kelapa goreng dan salsa nanas

2 telur

Tepung kekuatan sedang 1-3 / 4 cangkir

3/4 cangkir bir

1 sendok makan baking powder

2 pon udang sedang, kupas dan telanjangi

Minyak kelapa

3 cangkir kelapa parut

Campuran bumbu:

1 sendok makan cabai rawit

2-1 / 4 sendok teh garam

1-1 / 2 sendok teh paprika manis

Lada hitam 1-1 / 2 sendok teh

1-1 / 4 sendok teh bubuk bawang putih

3/4 sendok teh bubuk bawang bombay

3/4 sendok teh waktu pengeringan

3/4 sendok teh oregano kering

Tempatkan bahan campuran bumbu dalam mangkuk kecil, aduk rata dan sisihkan.

Masukkan 1 hingga 1/4 cangkir tepung, 2 sendok teh bumbu, baking powder, telur dan bir ke dalam mangkuk dan giling semua potongan sampai halus.

Campur sisa tepung dengan 1/2 sendok teh campuran bumbu dan sisihkan. Masukkan kelapa ke dalam mangkuk lain.

Taburkan sisa campuran bumbu di kedua sisi udang. Selanjutnya, siapkan ekor masing-masing udang, keruk campuran tepung, buang kelebihannya, rendam dalam adonan, dan buang kelebihannya. Taburi setiap udang dengan kelapa dan letakkan di piring paling atas.

Panaskan panci tempura hingga 350 derajat Fahrenheit. Masukkan setiap udang ke dalam minyak panas dan masak di kedua sisi selama sekitar 1/2 sampai 1 menit sampai berwarna keemasan. Jangan memadati selebaran. Tiriskan dengan handuk kertas dan segera angkat.

Letakkan udang di atas daun selada besar dan sajikan dengan saus salsa nanas. Hiasi dengan irisan lemon, jeruk, atau jeruk nipis.

salsa nanas

1 cangkir nanas segar yang dicincang halus

1/3 cangkir bawang merah cincang, 1/4 cangkir ketumbar cincang halus

1/4 Cangkir Cadangan Nanas (atau Cadangan Nanas Aprikot)

1 sendok makan lada jalapeno yang baru dicincang

1 1/2 sendok makan air jeruk nipis segar

1/4 sendok teh lada hitam

Campurkan bahan dan buang dengan lembut.

Island Coconut Salsa dan Kebab Udang Kelapa

1 pon kulit udang, mentah

1/3 cangkir santan, kalengan, manis

2 sendok makan air jeruk nipis

1 bawang putih, geprek

1 sendok teh paprika merah, tabur bijinya dan potong-potong

1 sendok teh jinten

1/2 sendok teh ketumbar

1/4 sendok teh lada putih

12-18 potongan nanas segar

Salsa kelapa pulau


1 cangkir kelapa serpihan

1 cangkir ketumbar cincang

1 cangkir bawang hijau cincang

2 sendok makan air jeruk nipis segar

2 sendok makan jahe cincang

1 hingga 2 sendok teh bawang putih cincang

1/2 sendok teh garam laut

1/2 cangkir minyak zaitun atau minyak kacang macadamia

Kupas dan paparkan udang yang memiliki ekor. Simpan itu. Campurkan santan, air jeruk nipis, bawang putih, cabai merah, jinten, ketumbar dan merica. Tuang ke dalam udang. Diasinkan dalam waktu satu jam. Tusuk sate udang dan nanas. Panggang atau panggang, 3 menit di setiap sisi, atau sampai udang selesai. Tata udang kelapa di atas daun selada besar. Sajikan dengan salsa kelapa pulau di sampingnya.

Penghancuran udang Karibia

1 pon udang dengan kulit, mentah

3 sendok makan air jeruk nipis atau lemon

3 cangkir santan

1 bawang bombay

3 bawang putih

Cicipi cabai rawit yang dicincang halus

1 pon tomat, kupas dan cincang

1 sendok makan cuka

1 ton. Waktu yang dipotong

Garam laut dan lada hitam yang baru digiling

Kupas dan paparkan udang yang memiliki ekor. Tuangkan air jeruk nipis di atas udang dan sisihkan. Masak santan dalam wajan yang berat sampai menjadi berminyak. Tambahkan bawang bombay dan bawang putih lalu tumis hingga bawang bombay empuk. Tambahkan paprika, tomat, garam dan merica, thyme dan cuka. Aduk perlahan selama 10 menit dan masak.

Tiriskan udang, tambahkan bahan lainnya, dan didihkan selama sekitar 10 menit sampai udang empuk. Silakan hangatkan di atas nasi dan nikmati. Waktu persiapan: 30 menit.

Lyon stuns Juventus and Cristiano Ronaldo

Lyon stuns Juventus and Cristiano Ronaldo

There is only one goal and there is still the return leg to come in Turin, but Lyon's surprise 1-0 win over Juventus on Wednesday leaves this last 16 draw delicately poised as the Italian team seeks its first Champions League title since 1996.
Meanwhile, 24 years ago, Juventus have reached the European Cup final five times and lost five times.

That is one of the reasons why the Serie A team signed Cristiano Ronaldo, who has scored 128 goals in the Champions League and won the tournament once with Manchester United and four times with Real Madrid.

But Lyon had the measure of Ronaldo in that game, displacing him as Juventus struggled to find their rhythm, especially in the first half.
The home team got off to a nervous start, but led by Houssem Aouar in midfield -- at one point, 21-year-old cheeky Paulo Dybala -- Lyon deservedly led at the break.

Cristiano Ronaldo failed to build on his remarkable Champions League record in Lyon.
READ: Man City come from behind to beat Real Madrid
Aouar created the goal and crossed Lucas Tousart, who provided an acrobatic finish. The goal handed Lyon their first win against Juve and ended the 22-game unbeaten Italian club maurizio Sarri in European games.
Sarri coached Chelsea last season and led the Premier League team to victory in the Europa League.
"We always thought we were capable of unsettling Juventus and we did just that with a lot of desire," Aouar said
When Tousart met, Juve played with 10 men, with Matthijs de Ligt being treated for a bloody head wound.
Juventus improved in the second half but Dybala missed with a shot and when he found the net, the Argentine was marginally offside.
Lyon also defended superbly, keeping an eye on Ronaldo and bravely blocking on rare occasions Juve had the opportunity to shoot.
"We were second with every ball in the first half - I don't know why," Leonardo Bonucci said "Something went wrong with our approach, I could feel from before the whistle that something hadn't turned on.
"We were all far apart in the first half, which made lyon easy. We have to work hard before the return round because we can't afford another game like this in Turin."

Lucas Tousart scores Lyon's winning goal against Juventus Turin.
READ: Manchester City appeal against two-year Champions League ban
In last season's Champions League quarter-final, Juventus were beaten 2-0 by Atletico Madrid before a Ronaldo hat-trick secured the Serie A team a place in the quarter-finals before being beaten by Ajax.

65 - Among the seven players with more than 50 goals in the Champions League, Juventus striker Cristiano Ronaldo is the only one to have scored more goals in the knockout phase (65) than in the group stage (63). Wait.

"We believe in ourselves," Juve midfielder Aaron Ramsey said "With our fans right behind us, we can progress to the next stages."
The good news for Juve is that Ronaldo's goalscoring record in the knockout phase is incomparable.
According to statistics provider Opta, Ronaldo is the only one of the seven players with more than 50 goals to have scored more goals in the knockout phase (65) than in the group stage (63).
The second stage will take place on 17 March at the Allianz Stadium in Turin.

Homemade Cranberry Sauce with Cinnamon & Nutmeg

Homemade Cranberry Sauce with Cinnamon & Nutmeg

Homemade Cranberry Sauce with Cinnamon & Nutmeg

15 minutes is all you need for homemade cranberry sauce! This recipe is naturally sweetened with maple syrup, and spiced with cinnamon and nutmeg. 39 calories and 2 Weight Watchers SP

Course: Sauces/Condiments
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Cranberry Sauce, Homemade
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 12 minutes
Total Time: 17 minutes
Servings: 14 Servings
Calories: 39.3kcal


        12 ounces cranberries
        1/2 cup water
        1/4 cup + 3 tablespoons pure maple syrup
        1/4 cup fresh orange juice
        1/2 teaspoon grated nutmeg
        1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
        2 cinnamon sticks


1.       In a medium saucepan, stir together the cranberries, water, maple syrup, orange juice, nutmeg and cinnamon. Stir in the cinnamon sticks.
2.       Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, then reduce the heat to medium. Cook until the cranberries have burst, stirring frequently, 10 to 15 minutes.
3.       Remove and discard the cinnamon sticks. Transfer the sauce to a bowl and cool completely. Refrigerate, covered, until ready to serve. Bring to room temperature to serve.


Weight Watchers Points: 2 (Freestyle SmartPoints), 1 (Points+)
Serving: 2tablespoons | Calories: 39.3kcal | Carbohydrates: 10.2g | Protein: 0.1g | Fat: 0.1g | Sodium: 1.2mg | Fiber: 1.2g | Sugar: 8.2g

Orange Cranberry Sauce

orange cranberry sauce

orange cranberry sauce

  •  Prep Time: 5 minutes
  •  Cook Time: 10 minutes
  •  Total Time: 15 minutes
  •  Yield: 8 people 1x
  •  Category: Side Dish
  •  Cuisine: American


This is the best homemade Orange Cranberry Sauce recipe made with only 3 ingredients: fresh cranberries, orange juice and zest, and sugar. This sweet and tart holiday relish will be perfect for turkey, chicken and many other meals for Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.


  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/4 cup orange juice
  • orange zest from one orange
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 12 oz fresh cranberries

  1. Put all the ingredients (water, orange juice and zest, granulated sugar, and cranberries) in a saucepan and mix it with a spatula.
  2. Bring it to boil on a medium high heat, then lower the heat to medium/low and let it simmer for about 10 minutes. The berries will burst and produce more juice. Stir occasionally.
  3. Then take the sauce pan from the stove and let it cool off.
  4. You can serve is immediately after it cooled off (in about 30 minutes) or put is in an air-tight container and refrigerate until you need to saucepan it.

Banana Pudding Poke Cake Recipe

Banana Pudding Poke Cake Recipe

Banana Pudding Poke Cake Recipe

This Banana Pudding Poke Cake has all the flavors of banana cream pie, just in cake form. With layers of banana cake, pudding, cream, bananas, and vanilla wafers, it's sure to be a hit!
  • Course Dessert
  • Cuisine American
  • Prep Time 10 minutes
  • Cook Time 30 minutes
  • Total Time 40 minutes
  • Servings 12
  • Calories 440 kcal


        1 box yellow cake mix
        3/4 tsp baking soda
        1 tsp baking powder
        3 overripe bananas, mashed
        3/4 cup water
        1/4 cup oil
        3 eggs
        1 5.1 ounce box vanilla or banana instant pudding mix
        2 cups milk
        1 cup vanilla wafers, crushed
        3 ripe bananas, sliced
        2 cups whipping cream
        1/2 cup powdered sugar
        1/2 tsp vanilla


1.       Combine all cake ingredients in a mixing bowl. Beat at medium speed for 2 minutes.
2.       Pour batter into a greased 9x13" cake pan.
3.       Bake cake in a preheated oven at 350° for 30-35 minutes or till a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.
4.       Cool cake completely, then use a round spoon handle to poke holes all over the cake about an inch apart.
5.       Combine pudding mix and milk and whisk for 2 minutes. Quickly pour over the cake. Get as much pudding into the holes as you can. Cover cake and chill for at least 30 minutes.
6.       Place vanilla wafers in a bag and crush with a rolling pin. Set aside.
7.       Whip cream till soft peaks form. Add powdered sugar and vanilla and beat till well mixed.
8.       To serve, cut cake into slices. Top with sliced bananas, whipped cream, and crushed vanilla wafers. Refrigerate any leftovers.

Nutrition Facts

Banana Pudding Poke Cake Recipe

Amount Per Serving
Calories 440Calories from Fat 216
% Daily Value*
Fat 24g37%
Saturated Fat 11g69%
Cholesterol 99mg33%
Sodium 479mg21%
Potassium 168mg5%
Carbohydrates 50g17%
Sugar 28g31%
Protein 5g10%
Vitamin A 710IU14%
Vitamin C 0.2mg0%
Calcium 187mg19%
Iron 1.1mg6%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.


Crispy Breakfast Potatoes With Chili Garlic Oil And Herbs.

crispy breakfast potatoes with chili garlic oil and herbs.

crispy breakfast potatoes with chili garlic oil and herbs.

This is that can't beat brunch dish that everyone loves. Roasted baby potatoes, crispy bacon, and soft-boiled eggs, all served together and topped with a garlic chili oil and plenty of fresh herbs. Bonus? The potatoes and bacon are cooked together on ONE sheet pan!

  •  prep time 15 minutes
  •  cook time 45 minutes
  •  total time 1 hour
  •  servings
  •  calories 521 kcal


        2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
        2 pounds baby potatoes, halved if large
        zest of 1 lemon
        1/3 cup grated parmesan cheese (optional)
        kosher salt and black pepper
        6 slices thick cut bacon
        1/4 cup fresh dill, roughly chopped
        2 tablespoons chopped fresh chives
        6 soft or hard boiled eggs, halved or quartered
        1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
        4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced or smashed
        1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
        1 cup fresh basil, chopped


1.       1. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.
2. On a large baking sheet, toss together the olive oil, potatoes, lemon zest, parmesan, and a small pinch each of salt and pepper. Lay the bacon flat, draped over the potatoes. Transfer to the oven and roast for 20 minutes, toss and continue roasting another 20-25 minutes, or until golden and the bacon crisp. If the bacon begins getting too crisp before the potatoes are done, remove the bacon from the oven.
3. Meanwhile, make the garlic chili oil. Heat a medium skillet over medium heat. Add the olive oil, garlic, chili flakes, and a pinch of salt. Cook, stirring occasionally until the garlic is fragrant, 8-10 minutes. Stir in the basil, cook 30 seconds more. Remove from the heat and set aside.
5. Remove the potatoes and bacon from the oven and transfer to a serving plate, draining off any excess grease. Arrange the eggs over the potatoes. Drizzle with garlic chili oil and finish with fresh dill and chives. Serve warm.


Easy Homemade Lasagna

Easy Homemade Lasagna

Easy Homemade Lasagna

  •        PREP TIME 30 minutes
  •          COOK TIME 45 minutes
  •          RESTING TIME 15 minutes
  •          TOTAL TIME 1 hour 30 minutes
  •          SERVINGS 12 servings
  •          AUTHOR Holly Nilsson
  •          COURSE Casserole, Main Course, Pasta
  •          CUISINE Italian

Homemade lasagna is a classic, delicious dinner that every family should have in their recipe rotation.


        12 lasagna noodles uncooked
        4 cups shredded mozzarella cheese divided
        1/2 cup shredded parmesan cheese divided
Tomato Sauce
        1/2 pound lean ground beef
        1/2 pound Italian sausage
        1 onion diced
        2 cloves garlic minced
        24 oz pasta sauce
        2 tablespoons tomato paste
        1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
Cheese Layer
        2 cups ricotta cheese
        1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
        1 egg beaten
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1.       Heat oven to 350°F. Cook pasta al dente according to package directions. Rinse under cold water and set aside.
2.       Brown beef, sausage, onion and garlic over medium high heat until no pink remains. Drain any fat.
3.       Stir in pasta sauce, tomato paste, Italian seasoning. Simmer 5 minutes.
4.       Combine 1-1/2 cups mozzarella, ricotta, 1/4 cup parmesan cheese, parsley and egg.
5.       Add 1 cup meat sauce to a 9x13 pan. Top with 3 lasagna noodles. Layer with 1/3 of the cheese mixture and 1 cup of meat sauce. Repeat finishing with noodles topped with sauce.
6.       Cover with foil and bake 45 minutes. Uncover, add cheese and bake an additional 15 minutes or until browned and bubbly. Broil 2-3 minutes if desired.
7.       Rest 10-15 minutes before cutting.

Recipe Notes

Time Saving Tip:  Use fresh lasagna sheets found in the deli area and skip the boiling step! Fresh lasagna doesn't need to be boiled first.


Calories: 377, Fat: 16g, Saturated Fat: 7g, Cholesterol: 71mg, Sodium: 857mg, Potassium: 492mg, Carbohydrates: 28g, Fiber: 2g, Sugar: 4g, Protein: 29g, Vitamin A: 805%, Vitamin C: 7.4%, Calcium: 526%, Iron: 2.2%

source :here

Spicy Sweet potato And Chickpea Bake With Lime Tahini Dressing

Spicy Sweet potato And Chickpea Bake With Lime Tahini Dressing

Spicy Sweet potato And Chickpea Bake With Lime Tahini Dressing


        800g small sweet potatoes, scrubbed
        400g can chickpeas, rinsed, drained
        2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
        2 teaspoons hot madras curry powder
        1 teaspoon ground cumin
        1 red onion, cut into wedges
        80g (1/2 cup) frozen baby peas, blanched
        1/3 cup fresh coriander leaves, chopped

        1 1/2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
        1 tablespoon hulled tahini
        1 lime, rind finely grated, juiced
        1-2 teaspoons water
        1/2 teaspoon Masterfoods Turmeric Ground
        Pinch of caster sugar


        Step 1
Preheat oven to 220C/200C fan forced. Use a sharp knife to prick all over potatoes. Place on a heatproof plate. Microwave on High for 4 minutes or until just tender. Halve potatoes. Combine chickpeas, 2 tsp oil, 1 tsp curry powder and 1/2 tsp cumin in a bowl. Season. Place potato and onion on a large baking tray. Drizzle with remaining oil. Sprinkle with remaining curry powder and cumin. Season. Add chickpeas. Roast for 25 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Cool for 5 minutes.
        Step 2
Meanwhile, for the dressing, place all the ingredients in a jar. Season. Seal and shake to combine.
How to prepare citrus
The easy way to zest, juice and segment lemons, limes and oranges.
        Step 3
Add peas to tray. Drizzle with dressing and sprinkle with coriander.

Creamy Chicken Corn Chowder

 Creamy Chicken Corn Chowder

Creamy Chicken Corn Chowder

  • Prep Time
  • 10 mins
  • Cook Time
  • 30 mins
  • Total Time
  • 40 mins

Course: Main Course
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Creamy Chicken Corn Chowder, potato soup, soup
Servings: 8 servings
Calories: 257 kcal
Author: Jennie Duncan


        2 cup chicken breast (cooked and shredded)
        1/2 cup bacon (cooked and crumbled)
        1/4 cup unsalted butter
        1 cup red bell pepper (diced)
        1 cup onion (diced)
        1 teaspoon minced garlic
        1/2 cup all-purpose flour
        6 cups chicken broth
        3 red potatoes (diced)
        4 oz green chilies
        12 oz corn
        1 teaspoon thyme
        1/2 teaspoon salt
        1/4 teaspoon pepper
        1 1/2 cups half and half


1.       In a large soup pot melt butter. Add in bell peppers and onions and saute for 2-3 minutes until tender. Add in minced garlic for the last 30 seconds.
2.       Whisk in flour and once dissolved slowly whisk in chicken broth. Once all the chicken broth is in the soup add in cooked and shredded chicken, diced red potatoes, green chilis, corn, and seasonings. Bring to a boil and then reduce to a simmer and allow to cook for 15-20 minutes or until potatoes are tender.
3.       Remove from heat and mix in half and half. Mix together well then serve with cooked and crumbled bacon.

Nutrition Facts

·         Creamy Chicken Corn Chowder
·         Amount Per Serving
·         Calories 257Calories from Fat 72
·         % Daily Value*
·         Fat 8g12%
·         Saturated Fat 3g15%
·         Cholesterol 41mg14%
·         Sodium 933mg39%
·         Potassium 893mg26%
·         Carbohydrates 33g11%
·         Fiber 3g12%
·         Sugar 5g6%
·         Protein 14g28%
·         Vitamin A 845IU17%
·         Vitamin C 50.4mg61%
·         Calcium 74mg7%
·         Iron 1.9mg11%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

10 Best Natural Smoothie Juices For Energy

10 Best Natural Smoothie Juices For Energy
10 Best Natural Smoothie Juices For Energy

10 Best Natural Smoothie Juices For Energy

1.Kiwi and Blueberry Smoothie

        150 ml light natural yogurt.
        3 tablespoons of ground flaxseed.
        2 kiwis.
        100 g of dried cranberries.
1.       Peel the kiwi and blend it with the rest of the ingredients.
2.       Serve and add a bit of honey if desired. Due to its high level of vitamins, this smoothie is best recommended to have in the morning.

The kiwi has an interesting combination of both vitamins and mineral salts, which promote proper functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems.

2.Chocolate Smoothie
        1 medium bar of bitter chocolate.
        2 scoops of vanilla ice cream or strawberry.
        1 glass of semi-skim milk.
1.       Melt the chocolate bar in a bain-marie.
2.       Once it is melted, mix it with the other ingredients and stir until you get a creamy texture.
Chocolate has stimulating and euphoric properties. In addition, it contains antioxidants that help prevent heart problems and vitamins that give energy to your body.

3.Healthy Banana Smoothie

        1 banana.
        1 glass of semi-skim milk.
        3 tablespoons of oatmeal.

1.       Blend the banana, oats and milk for two minutes. Serve in a glass and add a little cinnamon to increase the flavor.

Banana has an excellent combination of minerals and vitamins that make it an indispensable food in any diet, including those related to diabetes and weight loss. It is also perfect for athletes.

4.Banana Smoothie with Walnuts
        1 glass of semi-skim milk.
        1 banana.
        3 walnuts.

1.       Put the banana in a blender, add the milk and walnuts,and blend until the nuts are crushed.
2.       Serve and enjoy together with a couple of chocolate cookies if you like.

Walnuts contain a high level of antioxidants and proteins. In addition, they are rich in polyphenols, antioxidant phytochemicals that fight free radicals, molecules that cause oxidation in the body and damage cells.

5.Orange, Banana and Strawberry Smoothie Juice
        Orange zest.
        1 banana.
        1 glass of soy milk.
        125 gr. of strawberries.

1.       Put the soy milk in the blender and add the strawberries and the banana.
2.       Blend for 1 minute and serve in a glass. You can add a bit of orange zest as well to give a delicious flavor to your drink.

One cup of strawberries contain more than 13% of the recommended daily dose of dietary fiber and only 43 calories. Dietary fiber in strawberries helps maintain normal digestion. It also lowers blood pressure and slows down over eating.

In general, this natural fruit smoothie is very useful to recover after an intense and exhaustive exercise session. The properties each fruit of this drink has are excellent for this purpose.

6.Green Detox Smoothie Juice
        Juice of an apple.
        Half pineapple juice.
        3 stalks of celery.
        Radish leaves.
        1 tbsp of flax seeds.

Pass the celery and the radish leaves through the blender. Strain the mixture or leave it as is, add the other ingredients and blend again.

7.Lemon and Mint Juice

        1 liter of water.
        1 lemon.
        3-4 sprigs of mint.
        3-4 cm of ginger root..

Cut the lemon into slices, finely chop the ginger and add the mint. Add the boiling water and leave it like that for one hour. Then, strain it and it would be ideal if you kept it in a thermos and drink it throughout the day. You can sweeten the drink with honey or rose hip syrup.

8.Ginger and Beetroot Smoothie



        1 medium beet, peeled and chopped into pieces.
        200 ml of natural yogurt.
        3-4 cm of ginger root.

Blend the ginger and the beetroot until you get a homogeneous mixture. Strain and let it rest for about two hours. Then, add the yogurt and mix. Drinking it cold is more enjoyable.

9.Cucumber and Lime Juice

        1/2 lime.
        1/2 cucumber.
        2 sticks of peppermint.
        1/2 liter of water.

Cut the lime and cucumber into slices, and add the mint. Add the water and let it rest for an hour. It is better to drink it cold.

10.Pomegranate and Orange Drink

        1/2 orange.
        A handful of pomegranate grains.
        2 sprigs of mint.
        1/2 liter of water.

Cut the orange in half and put it in a glass jug. Add the mint and water and let it rest for an hour. It is better to drink it cold.

11.Lemon and Ginger Juice

        1/2 lemon.
        200 ml of hot water (but not boiling).
        Very little Cayenne pepper.
        1 tsp. of honey.
        2 cm of the ginger root.

1.       Squeeze the juice of half a lemon in a cup and add the honey, the grated ginger and the pepper. Pour the hot water and stir. If you want, you can add cold water, but it is better that the drink is quite hot.
2.       We recommend you to drink this juice in the morning. Then, rinse your mouth with water so that the citric acid does not affect the enamel of the teeth. You can also adjust the acidity and the level of spiciness according to your own taste.